Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Happy Father's Day...just a little late!

The girls and I were in TN Father's Day weekend. We actually traveled home that day. Therefore, for the first time ever, they were able to see both grandfather's and their Daddy on Father's Day. Poppa was even able to help us out with a gift for Matt. Julia wanted to make Matt a heart out of wood. Audrey saw the other patterns available and decided she wanted to make her Daddy an oval. What Daddy wouldn't want an oval??

Wow- a 5 year old and 3 year old using a power tool!

After sanding them down, we got to work painting. Audrey's oval turned out like an Easter egg.

Julia went with "gator" colors.
It sure would have been nice if we had remembered to take pictures of Matt with the girls on Father's Day. Note to self: take a picture of Matt and the girls ASAP!
We did, however, remember to take a picture of Pop and the girls early Father's Day morning.