Sunday, July 4, 2010


Happy 4th of July!!!!

We'll be heading up to church around 6 for a big cookout. The church is only providing drinks & watermelon. We're supposed to bring meat to throw on the grill and some sides for our family. As we were getting into the jeep after church this morning, one of the families we've gotten to know here suggested we just eat some of their meat. Apparently, they had a freezer full of ribs, chicken, boston butts, etc. that they're looking to share! All that sure does sound better than the hamburgers we'd been planning on! I've made up some cookies and brownies already and I'll think of some sides to bring too! Should be some yummy food there!

Then, after dark we'll have an easy view of the city fireworks. Julia's been excited about these for a few days. She's really hoping some of the fireworks are pink.

What all do you have planned for today??? Click on the 'comments' button and share how you're celebrating!

1 comment:

  1. We left after church on Sunday and drove down to Boca to visit my family. It was horrible weather down here and it rained nonstop all day Sunday and Monday. But we were able to spend Monday with the fam so that was fun! We are leaving to go back up to Daytona Beach this afternoon.

    Did Julia enjoy the fireworks? :)
