Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The first Halloween party

The library hosted a Fall Festival tonight, and I was excited that I didn't have to cook dinner. While enjoying my cold hotdog at the festival, I realized that all 4 of the parties we'll be attending this week will be serving hotdogs... boiled hotdogs... joy. Part of me would rather cook.

Anyways. There was a pretty mega crowd for this shindig, but the trunk or treat people were generous with the candy so it all evened out. :)

Check out Tinkerbell and Ariel - nice smiles, ha!

I've got a few more photos that aren't loading for some reason. I'll try again tomorrow or Thursday.


  1. WOW!!! Looks like Audrey was SUPER EXCITED!!!

  2. Love the pictures!! Hope you all have a great time this week, in spite of too many hot dogs in the plans!!
