Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Santa's Elf has arrived

My girls were definitely spoiled in the presents department this Christmas. Thanks to grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and Santa... we now have ALOT of new toys in our house. Shockingly (said with sarcasm) we couldn't actually transport all of it with us when we left TN earlier this week. So Meme and Pop (a.k.a. Santa's elves) volunteered to drive down to visit just 48 hours after we left - bringing with them all of the items we couldn't fit in our car. Meme got sick (FEEL BETTER JIMMIE KAY!) but Pop arrived mid-afternoon.

... the trunk before we unpacked it.

...the living room after we unpacked Pop's van. Remember, we carried as many TN presents with us Monday that we could; plus there's all the fun stuff Santa left. We have SOOO many new toys in this house now.
Some toys are going to go (and STAY) outside for us to use when the weather is nice. Some toys (like art supplies) will be brought out during the year as needed. Some toys were opened immediately.
Thank you, family, for your generosity to all of us this Christmas!

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